McCarty Family Farms Genetics
More than 100 years ago, our family started working with the Registered Holstein Breed. Today, we have the largest herd of Registered Holsteins in the United States.
Award Winning Genetics
We select genetic traits that support efficiency in the barns and productivity in the parlor. With a herd average of more than 94 pounds per day with 4.2% butterfat and 3.33% protein, MFF genetics are performing too well not to be your trusted source for embryos and bred heifers.
Elite Heifers
All of the heifers at McCarty Family Farms are genomic tested as part of the Zoetis Clarifide Plus program. In collaboration with Zoetis and Holstein Association USA, we identify elite heifers to be flushed by TransOva.
Elite Traits
We work closely with genetic experts to progress our genetics that support the sustainability of our farm and cows. The overall goal of our breeding program is to create animals with:
High Type
Elite Health
High Components
Positive Production
Feed Efficiency